The Cardiologist handles cases related to heart diseases. Nosileia Tora offers the service of Cardiologist At Home, available 24/7, covering the entire Attica region and Thessaloniki. Contact us at 210-5710088 for Athens and 2310-262888 for Thessaloniki to schedule your appointment with the doctor.
An experienced Cardiologist from Nosileia Tora will come to the location where the patient is situated and, after a medical assessment of the condition, will recommend appropriate medication if deemed necessary. The specialized nurses from Nosileia Tora will handle any nursing procedures if required.
See below the medical procedures performed by the Cardiologist at Home and their corresponding prices:
Physical Examination and ECG (VISIT) | 70 euros |
Heart and Aorta Triplex | 120 euros |
Holter for Rhythm and Blood Pressure | 80 euros |